Best Superfoods for Weight Loss and Healthy Diet

Here is a list of Superfoods; which basically means foods that pack the greatest nutritional punch for their weight and are very very good for you.

It is not meant to be the definitive list, inscribed on the dark side of the moon and maybe you know of other foods that should be added. If that’s the case then great! The more of these types of foods you consume within a well balanced diet, the healthier and longer you should live.

Whole foods, packed with nutrient-rich ingredients like Omega 3, long chain carbohydrates, phytonutrients (plant-based nutrients), heavy content of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals qualify for reference as Superfoods.

A Superfood gains this title only if the benefits that accrue from it weigh far beyond the nutritional value ascribed to it. The experts claim that the best way of optimizing your health is by adding Superfoods to your routine diet to enable them to interact with your body systems at the cellular level, to combine and produce overwhelming benefits for your health and help fill in shortfalls in your diet.

The benefits of these Superfoods are now legendary, especially with their proven contributions to lowering cholesterol, and minimizing your risks of exposure to life threatening diseases like cancer, heart diseases and even mood disorders.

The best part of it all is that Superfoods do not have side effects, and are available round the year at any supermarket close to your home. Well known nutritionists opine that even normal people with no known ailments can include Superfoods in their diet, and the results will show shortly thereafter. They feel that a regular intake of balanced quantities of Superfoods will bring about positive results to problems that people face, like diabetes, hypertension, cancer and heart disease.

A sustained diet of a combination of unprocessed real Superfoods should give you diverse benefits contributing to; weight loss, immunity against diseases and improved energy levels through detoxifying and body nourishment.

Various unprocessed and organically produced varieties of vegetables, fruits, seeds, grains, lean meat and fresh fish contribute to the list of Superfoods.

Details of some of the best Superfoods with the kind of benefits they provide for a regulated Weight Loss regime and a Healthy Life.


The apple tree originated somewhere in central Asia.
Apples contain fiber pectin and other antioxidants.  Eating a moderate amount of apples can help prevent cancers like bowel, lung and prostate. They can also lower cholesterol levels and thus lessen the risks of heart disease.
As the saying a goes “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

Originated in South America, possibly Mexico.  Despite having a considerably higher fat content than many other fruits, avocado fats are mostly oleic acid or monounsaturated fat, which is healthy fat and actually helps control cholesterol levels by displacing bad omega-6 fats. They are high in fiber and contain vitamins B, E and K. They also contain a good amount of potassium; significantly more than a banana. Avocados are arguably one of the most nutritional fruits on the planet.

 Beans or Edamame

Beans are one of the longest cultivated plants on the planet and thought to have originated in Afghanistan.
They are a great source of proteins and fiber as well as good carbohydrates, iron and folite.

Some varieties like the kidney bean have harmful toxins and must first be cooked or boiled before consuming.
The soluable fiber that beans contain help lower blood cholesterol levels.


With an antioxidant content topping all the fruits of the world, blueberries also contain useful quantities of phytoflavinoids, Vitamins A, C and E. As well as B complex, and minerals like copper, magnesium and potassium, which have a cumulative effect of slowing your aging process and enhancing your body immunity in battling inflammation, which drives all chronic diseases.

Many experts also credit blueberries in helping to reduce belly fat, and metabolic syndrome, which is the root cause of the risk factors contributing to cardiovascular problems and diabetes. Blueberries pack almost 40% more antioxidants than red wine


Broccoli, which is a member of the cabbage family has been around for 2000 or so years. It was first cultivated in Italy and is thought to have evolved from a wild cabbage plant.

Generally the darker green the broccoli is, the more nutritional content it holds.

Broccoli can be eaten raw to lightly steamed is better. Boiling for longer than 10 minutes will likely reduce nutritional content. Consumption of broccoli is widely regarded to lessen the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease. Along with related vegetables; broccoli contains a chemical called  sulforaphane which seems to activate a heart and artery protecting protein.


Despite traditionally being a food for the poor and lower class, buckwheat is surprisingly healthy and a very versatile food. From simple porridge that the early American pilgrims tucked into, to modern day hot and cold soba dishes, to cakes, muffins etc. Able to be consumed in a variety of ways both hot and cold.

Despite being called buckwheat it is in fact a fruit that generally grows best in poor to average soil. It produces a crop every 6 weeks. The plant flowers and the seed from the flower is ground down into either a grayish powder that can then be combined with water and made into a variety of foods.

Once upon a time the US had considerable amounts of land under buckwheat cultivation. Now days the amount is much much smaller. Hopefully as more people appreciate what it has to offer for both weight loss and a healthy diet it will again become popular.


Chlorella is a microscopic fresh water plant found in tropical areas where there is an abundance of natural sunlight. It is a dark green color which is a result of its high chlorophyll content. And in fact contains the highest levels of chlorophyll found in any food. Chlorophyll’s main benefit is in its ability to naturally clean blood by removing blood pollutants such as bad fats and other unhealthy toxins from blood. As such it’s an excellent detox agent in the quest for weight loss and nourishing the body.


Despite the bad rap that eggs get due to their high cholesterol, in the bigger food picture they can be regarded as a Superfood. And recent research shows that eating a moderate amount of eggs does not raise your cholesterol levels anyway.

Apart from the near endless ways we can use eggs and consume eggs they are in fact high in protein, and can supply the body with all essential amino acids. They also contain several vitamins and minerals. More than half the calories in an egg are contained in fats in the yolk (a large yolk could have up to 60 calories), but if these fats are omega 3 fatty acids, which are appearing more in eggs on the market now, then this isn’t a big concern. If you want to reduce calories then remove the yolk and only eat the egg white which is around 85% water and 15% protein.


Although used a vegetable, eggplants are botanically a berry. So there’s confusion as to whether they are a vegetable or berry. You can make the choice. They contain a range of vitamins and minerals plus phytonutrients which are important as antioxidants in the body.
Eggplants originated in the Indian sub continent.


Like pears, grapefruit has a good supply of vitamin C and fiber pectin which is good for lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and bowel cancer. They also contain the antioxidant, lycopene
They were first cultivated in Jamaica in the 18th century.

 Green Tea

A favorite drink for the Japanese at any time of the day, the health benefits of drinking green tea are becoming more popular.

The reason why gren tea is so healthy and makes our Superfood list is the way it is processed. This sets it apart from other tea varieties.

Green tea leaves are steamed which traps a very powerful anti oxidant called epigallocatechin gallate or (EGCG) for short. This anti oxidant and other compounds may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. More recent studies also suggest compounds in green tea help lower bad cholesterol which reduces the risk of abnormal blood clots and build up of plaque in arterial walls. It is the formation of abnormal bloods clots (called thrombosis) that cause most heart attacks and strokes.

For anyone wishing to lose weight, transitioning away from sugar laced soda drinks onto green tea is a very wise health move. Apart from the antioxidants; a BBC article also suggested a link between moderate green tea consumption and reduced risk of breast cancer.

 Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit is another fruit that has made it into the Superfood club. The name comes from New Zealand’s national symbol which is a brown flightless bird called the Kiwi. The fruit originated in China where it was called Yang Tao. Seeds were taken to New Zealand in the early 20th century and renamed Kiwi fruit.

Kiwi fruit contains good amounts of vitamins C, E and in a smaller amount vitamin A. If you can, you’d get more nutritional benefit by eating the skin as well, for it contains flavonoid antioxidants and dietary fiber and most of the vitamin C is just under the skin. Recent studies have shown that it also acts as a blood thinner reducing the risk of blood clots that can lead to arterial blockages.

 Lean Beef

Apart from being a great source of protein, plus a major staple of our diet, Beef is a good source of minerals such like iron, B vitamins, selenium, phosphorus, and zinc. It also contains creatine which helps convert energy into muscle.
Studies suggest that selenium and B12 minerals in lean beef, may lower the risk of colon cancer.

 Nuts & Seeds

Nuts and seeds, are recommended by virtually all health professionals that should be part of your healthy and balanced diet.

Although most nuts and seeds contain a high fat and calorie content and should be restricted to 1 to 2 tablespoons a day if you’re on a weight loss plan, they are rich in much needed proteins and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper and potassium. As well as good polyunsaturated fats that help displace bad trans and saturated omega-6 fats from the bloodstream. One way to enjoy nuts and seeds in moderation is to use them in salads, soups and even low fat yogurts. A couple of really healthy seeds are pumpkin and sunflower.

 Olive Oíl  

Olive Oil is an unsaturated oil that originated in the Mediterranean Basin. The oil is extracted from the ripened olives; first by grinding, then separating the water and oil content.

Extra-virgin unprocessed olive oil has an abundance of antioxidants like vitamin E and the high proportion of monounsaturated fats suggests that it may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Unlike other oils, notably saturated and trans fats which increase bad cholesterol levels, olive oil can displace bad omega-6 fats, and actually lower cholesterol levels in the blood. It may also help to lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels.


Despite being a fairly boring looking vegetable, onions have none the less made it to the Superfoods list. Onions are one of the world’s oldest foods and are used in some form pretty well in every culture in the world. In days gone by they were prescribed to treat a host of health symptoms from headaches to women’s infertility. These days the main benefit of onions has been traced to a compound called  quercetin. Quercetin may help with antioxidant and anti-cancer activity as well as help with inflammations and reducing bad cholesterol. Onions originated in Asia.


Pears, like apples contain fiber pectin which is good for lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and bowel cancer. Unlike apples they contain a good amount of vitamin C. Most of the fiber is contained in the skin. Unlike many other fruits, pears are particularly good for allergy sufferers.
Pears are thought to have originated in Western China.


Although quinoa is a grain like food, it is in fact not a grass and as such cannot be classified as a real cereal or grain. It is more related to beets and spinach.

It originated in South America and held in the same esteem as potatoes and maize. Although the leaves can be eaten; it is the grain like seeds that are generally consumed. Quinoa is rich in protein, essential amino acids, iron, fiber and magnesium. It is also gluten free making it easier to digest than many other foods. General preparation is much like rice. Two cups of water to one cup of quinoa, and it can sometimes be substituted into a dish instead of rice.


Despite being called an oily fish, salmon is low in calories and high in protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids aren’t produced naturally by the body but none the less are required for good health. As such they must be absorbed from the foods we eat. They are widely recognized as a source of good cholesterol which reduces risk of heart disease. As well as aid healthy brain function, lower blood pressure and reduce the risks of contracting certain cancers.

Where possible try and eat wild salmon as opposed to fish farm grown salmon. Wild salmon has the opportunity to eat natural foods whereas fish farm salmon is feed artificial food, sometimes far removed from its natural diet.


Sardines, also called Pilchards relate to small oily fish. They were named after the Mediterranean island of Sardina where the fish once flourished.

They are rich in nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Sardines are also rich in proteins, calcium, vitamin D and B12. Two or three servings a week will help you lower risks pertaining to heart disease, arthritis and depression. Some experts claim its positive effects for memory loss and in the useful treatment of Alzheimer’s.


Spinach originated in central Asia, somewhere around modern day Iran. It is high in anti oxidants, calcium, iron plus vitamins A, C, E, K and B6. It also contains healthy magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

It’s high nutritional value made it the food choice for everyone’s hero, Popeye the sailor man. To benefit most from Spinach it is better to lightly steam it for less than 4 minutes. After that time, especially when boiled, the nutritional content drops considerably.


Despite being a microscopic algae; spirulina packs a huge nutritional punch and is arguably one of the most nutritional foods on the planet. It’s full of amino acids, phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins. Perhaps though its biggest benefit is the huge percentage of natural proteins it contains; around 67%. This makes it an ideal food for people suffering fatigue related issues as protein helps the body with stamina and overall vitality.

 Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a healthier alternative to normal potatoes. Although called potatoes they are not that closely related to normal potatoes and sometimes called yams.

They originated in the tropical parts of South America some 5000 years ago. Sweet potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates, beta carotene (a vitamin A equivalent nutrient), vitamin B6 and vitamin C.


Tofu is made from fermented soy beans called edamame in a process similar to making cheese using curdled soy milk. It is a great source of protein, calcium, B vitamins and fiber.

Soy helps lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of developing heart disease. It also has an abundance of Isoflavones which help strengthen bones much like estrogen and may ward off bone disease later in life. Tofu is used extensively in the Japanese diet and often used as a substitute for meat.


Originated in South America in the highlands of Peru. The most potent nutrient that the tomato has is an antioxidant called lycopene, which is great for maintaining a healthy heart.

They are also rich in vitamins A and C. New research suggests that lycopene, can also help protect the skin from harmful ultra violet rays.

 Whole Grains

Any food with the word “whole” in it generally is very good for you. Whole grains contain the endosperm, germ, bran and B vitamins. Refined grains only have the endosperm. Most of the important anti oxidants are found in the germ and is why they are healthier than refined grains. They are a primary source of carbohydraytes.

Some common whole grains are: maize, barley, wheat, brown rice, rye, and oats. Perhaps the easiest way to get a good dose of whole grains is to consume them as a breakfast cereal.

 Low fat or fat free Yogurt

Although a well balanced healthy diet should include a variety of low fat dairy products, yogurt stands out due to the abundance of healthy protein, riboflavin, calcium, and B vitamins.

It is made by fermenting milk; but unlike milk from which it is derived, yogurt can be consumed by lactose intolerant  people. Fermentation acts on milk proteins which convert it into its distinct texture.

 Dark Chocolate

The experts opine that consumption of dark chocolate, especially with a 60 + percent of cocoa content, will help to lower blood pressure, slow down digestion and lead to weight loss. The useful abundance of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) can enhance your metabolism to burn more calories and body fat.

When consuming Superfoods, you should exercise care to ensure that you have a balanced mix of all of them. Your diet should not consist only of one or two Superfoods in excessive quantities. Follow diversity when you consume Superfoods except fruits and vegetables, which you can have as often as you want. However, consumption of oils, seeds and nuts should be done in moderation.

So now you know a bunch of Superfoods and what to look for next time you’re in a supermarket. The Japanese diet as you may or may not know is the healthiest on the planet and once you see these recipes you’ll understand why.

One final tip. Focus on eating foods (particularly) Superfoods that are as close to their natural state as possible. A lot of the western diet consists of foods that are processed far away from their natural state. And the further a food is processed from its natural state, the more unhealthy it becomes for our bodies.

Here’s the problem with the western diet. Most people are only eating about 30 different foods a week. The Japanese however, eat over 100 different foods per week and the vast majority are tasty and healthy Superfoods. The Japanese also consume about 1 third the amount of sugar that Americans do.