Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is declared Intangible Cultural heritage of humanity by the UNESCO

En 1960 The Mediterranean diet was the way we feed ourselves. It has now been declared Intangible Cultural heritage of humanity. There are indications that Spain, like other countries of the Mediterranean, is moving away from this model of life and dietary pattern. It is to safeguard their heritage.
  The Mediterranean diet has been declared Intangible Cultural heritage of humanity the day 16 November 2010 during the fifth session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Unesco held in Nairobi (Kenya) for the safeguarding of this heritage. This application has been prepared and submitted jointly by Spain, Greece, Italy and Morocco, and technically coordinated by the Mediterranean diet Foundation, to preserve a cultural and culinary legacy that defines and identifies the Mediterranean territories for centuries. "The first feeling is satisfaction and emotion" said Lluis Serra, President of the Mediterranean diet Foundation. "Satisfaction by reward years of hard work well done. Excitement by having fulfilled this dream that opens a future full of possibilities".Beyond the health benefits scientifically, contrasted the Mediterranean diet is a lifestyle that balances the individual with their environment, both in what respect to nature as their social and cultural world. And it is precisely in this sphere that the Mediterranean diet becomes legacy and legacy have to transmit it. Nothing can be transmitted, if not live, if it is not taken as their own.  There are indications that Spain, like other countries of the Mediterranean is moving away from this model of life. In this task of preserving our cultural heritage food, the roadmap of the Mediterranean diet Foundation would be the bringing together and involve civil society, institutions and private entities to build bridges and find synergies that will improve their visibility and compliance.
We live as we eat

 Se says we are what we eat.  To be precise, I should say that we live as we eat. Every day menus determine our way of life, our work, our family and social relationships.When the food industry appeals to the concept of the kitchen of the grandmother, is that something has been broken and to retrieve that thread of healthy cuisine that is part of our culture and tradition, with prescribed schedules and order meals.If to this we add, the advertising part of the food industry pressure, who does not fall into the temptation to eat what we promise, although it's not too healthy and do it fast and running. In the 50s of the last century, which is when Ancel Keys coined the term Mediterranean diet, it was said that what doesn't kill, fattening.On this, it is precisely our detour in food. A shift away from the Mediterranean diet brings more cardiovascular diseases, more diabetes, and more hypertension.
The best diet against cardiovascular diseases

In the  60s, the resident population in Crete, southern Greece and the southern part of Italy had a life expectancy among the highest in the world and all of this despite constraints in the medical and health services. Myocardial infarction is almost unknown and cancer hardly exists. This reality that has been known in the world thanks to the seven countries study, carried out by Keys, put shows that the diet, lifestyle, social relations and the environment, (climate and environmental factors) have a great importance in health.Following this study, the Mediterranean diet has been imposed as a dietary pattern worldwide. The reason, your type of power which is based on olive oil, fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals in the form of bread or pasta, oily fish, lamb and poultry and a little wine at meals. Extra virgin olive oil is certainly the ingredient that brings together the Mediterranean concept. Only there are olive trees, beyond where the Mediterranean climate is given.Foods rich in monounsaturated fats, whose classic and main representative is Virgin olive oil, are more beneficial than other vegetable oils. There is no fat with the healthy benefits of Virgin olive oil and helps to control cholesterol, arteriosclerosis and blood pressure - which affects a lower risk of cardiovascular disease-; It is useful in the treatment and prevention of some types of diabetes and can help protect the organism against certain types of cancer, especially the breast.Nothing serves to stoke up a food because they tell us that it is very healthy and set aside other...  When more than 50 years ago no one counted calories or thought of as partitioning percentage protein, fats and carbohydrates in a meal, diet Mediterranean was the way we feed ourselves. It is now when it has been declared Cultural intangible heritage of humanity, becoming an abstract concept. In those times the challenge, is to internalize our way of life and food, even though we have to learn to eat again.

The diet is a set and each food has its place