Detox Diet

Observed for short intervals, detox diets can bring real benefits: eliminate more toxins, purify yourself inside, lose weight and give your skin glow.

For successful detox diet is essential to follow some rules. First, and most important, is to eliminate alcohol from your diet. Our diet should be represented by fruits and vegetables, allies in any detox diet. Eat fruits and vegetables at all meals. Snacks should also contain a fruit or raw vegetables throughout the diet of detox.A detox diet does not mean a vegetarian diet, but reducing the amount of meat in the diet, and especially red meat, is beneficial. You need just one meal a day that contains meat.
Eat foods rich in probiotics. It stimulates the intestinal transit, maintain proper functioning of the intestinal flora and eliminate harmful batteries.
Water has an essential role in the elimination of toxins. A poorly hydrated body is unable to eliminate toxins, even if you follow all other rules detox diet. It is mandatory to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.
During a detox diet requires a healthy intake of healthy fats and vegetable fats rich in omega 3. This means avocado, pasta, nuts, and vegetable oils.
An effective detox diet involves, necessarily, reduce the number of calories. It is best to decrease your daily caloric intake by 300-500 calories, even if you really need a weight loss diet.
Consume vegetable soups. It is the best and easiest way to detoxify. In addition it is the best time to get loaded with minerals and vitamins.
Reduce intake of sugar and salt. Sugar is part of the food you grow older, producing free radicals. Replace refined sugar with natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup. Equally damaging is the excess salt, which should be avoided during periods of detoxification.

Choose the right detox diet

By detox diet the body has a chance to recover in a natural way. There are several ways to detox and you should know that you can choose the right diet to your body.

Detox diet is to strengthen the liver, lungs, kidneys, stomach and blood circulation, removing toxins from the bodies. If you limit or eliminate meat consumption in the diet, digestion will be easier and will eliminate toxins faster.
It is very important to eat raw vegetables and fresh juices and you will not miss at any meal. Coffee, cigarettes and alcohol will also be removed from the daily diet, as well as processed foods and fast food nutrition.
Another method of detox diet is plant-based. Promotes normal functioning of the liver and provide enzymes necessary for digestion without problems. It is very important to combine plants needed detox diet. To stimulate liver can choose chamomile, horsetail, dandelion and gentian.
Plants need the normal functioning of the kidneys are dandelion, parsley, mushrooms, ginger and cedar. To detoxify the lungs can opt for candles, tendrils and leaves of elm. All these plants can be effective in the form of teas, natural extracts or powder after your naturopathic physician recommendations.

Cleaning the skin

Another detox diet and cleansing the skin and can stimulate the elimination of toxins through sweat. Hot baths help a deep cleaning and effective skin by stimulating the kidneys functioning.
The skin is the first body reacts when toxicity, favored by improper diet and stress is high. Therefore, a good method of detoxification is deep cleansing skin by opening pores and removing troublesome infections.
Avoid using lotions that contain chemicals, creams and facial masks poor in natural plant extracts. Cleanse your face every day with soap made from plants, and after each hot bath, apply a mask based on bran, grinding, which remove dead cells from the skin.
A healthy skin and proper hydration means a diet rich in vitamins. Olive oil will replace the sunflower, sugar in excess is removed from the diet, as well as unhealthy fats.
In your bath water add a little baking soda and sea salt. After 20 minutes, you can clean your skin with a natural soap and the procedure is repeated every week for a month.
Detox juices and antioxidants

Fruit and vegetables are perfect for any detox. Drink but without pulp, rich in fiber. The more you consume more juice rich in vitamins and minerals, the faster your liver to remove toxins from the body. Natural juices are digested quickly and plays the dressing stomach.
Antioxidants (vitamins A, E and C) are essential for effective detoxification. They neutralize free radicals that damage healthy cells in the body.
Detox diets may lead to adverse effects migraines, nausea and dizziness. Therefore, it is necessary that when you opt for a detox diet, medical exam and your doctor's recommendations be carefully followed.Some people experience a drop in energy and apathy in the early days of the diet. These symptoms are normal when radical change eating habits. Consult your doctor every time you experience these symptoms.