The 'keto' diet reduces the consumption of carbohydrates. The first thing is to make it clear that a ketogenic diet is not the same as a truly low-calorie diet. “The second is called VLCK, an acronym for very-low-calorie-ketogenic, and is a diet below 800 kilocalories, in addition to ketogenic. This is the type that has become more popular now. ”

For example, a type of ketogenic diet is that of Atkins, because in it the consumption of fat accounts for 50 or 60 percent of the total diet.
Pros and cons of the ketogenic diet
The main advantage of the ketogenic diet is “short-term efficacy, which is precisely what many people demand. We have also seen in a clinical trial that this efficacy would be sustained for up to two years in some cases. ” In addition, “it benefits patients who are going to undergo bariatric surgery because they necessarily have to lose weight before the operation and with the keto diet they succeed. That weight loss reduces the deposit of fat in the liver and makes it easier for the surgeon to OPERATE on the stomach and intestine, thus improving the results. ”
It has been shown that they can be positive as an alternative non-pharmacological method in refractory epilepsy.
Among the cons, the following is mentioned: “It requires a lot of discipline and not everyone manages to stay in ketosis. For example, you can't eat fruit, or drink coffee with milk because of its sugar content. ” Another drawback is that "it is not a balanced diet, and that is why it has many detractors."
This diet requires minimal knowledge, so it should be done under the supervision of a nutritionist, since it is not easy to account for the total percentage of carbohydrates that must be consumed so as not to exceed the amounts and break the ketosis. the patient "must carry it out under the supervision of a professional who is familiar with it, who knows how to prescribe it and who knows its contraindications."

When is it contraindicated?
“Keto diets are dangerous for people with heart disease, since a high-fat diet can compromise the functioning of the heart; and are discouraged in cases where the liver is damaged, due to the inability to metabolize fats ”,
Which patients cannot follow a ketogenic diet:
-Those who have gallbladder pathology.
-Diabetic patients treated with insulin.
-With cardiac arrhythmias or cardiovascular problems.
-Pychiatric patients.
-Those who are polymedicated.
-And the minors.
Generally, this diet is done in five daily doses - breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner - and commercial products with 15 grams of proteins of high biological value are usually used (initially they were envelopes, but there are already even meals). "At certain times you can exchange protein products for a serving of fish or sirloin"
With this diet, as with the rest, it is recommended to do high intensity physical exercise for short periods of time. Above all, this diet allows a normal life.