Without a doubt, the most popular is the one who says: "I lose weight this year", "I go on a diet", "I take off those extra pounds" or "I join the gym" ... surely by now you have encountered the same thing several times, right?
If you have also included this topic in your list of purposes, I recommend you not to miss the following article in which we will talk about what is so fashionable about detox shakes to lose weight and we will propose 7 detox shakes to lose weight.
So keep reading because you are going to love this.
What are detox shakes or detoxifiers?
First of all, what is a detox drink?

The denomination detox or detoxifier is given by its mixture of natural ingredients full of vitamins, fiber and minerals that help the body to purify, detoxify and eliminate toxins from our body in a simple, fast and efficient way. At the same time we enjoy a drink full of delicious flavor that nourishes us inside and out.
Detox shakes are also very satiating so they will help us when it comes to losing weight by eating fewer calories.
When should we drink detox shakes?
Smoothies are an excellent alternative for all types of people whatever their need.
We will always recommend as a first option to take the whole fruit because in this way in addition to taking advantage of all the fiber of vegetables and fruits we will be favoring the digestion with the chewing process.
This is ideal from the nutritional point of view.
However, in case of being reluctant with this type of consumption or having to force ourselves to eat more vegetables and / or fruits we will opt for milkshakes, not juices! In those with a single dose we will be satisfying our needs for this type of nutrients.
Attention: Juices and detox smoothies are not the same
Why do I say no to juices? There is a simple explanation:
Fruits and vegetables in the smoothie process (what is commonly known as making juice, either in a domestic juicer or in a blender) in addition to losing all the fiber it turns into sugar and we already know how harmful it comes from where it comes from, even from something we can see as natural as a fruit. More sugar, despite coming from natural fruit juices, is not as healthy as we think.
How to make detox smoothies at home for the whole family
If you are determined to take the step to the detox shakes you will be wondering how you can prepare them at home and thus benefit from their magnificent properties.I will tell you that it is very simple.
You only need vegetables, ideally green leafy vegetables, fruit, water and a blender.
If you want to go further, you can encourage yourself to introduce superfoods such as chlorella, spirulina, maca, wheatgrass ...
But to get into this world with having a good base of vegetables and fruit we have more than enough. So don't worry if you don't have these ingredients.
Whenever you can ... more vegetables than fruit in your detox preparations.
Ideally, the proportion of vegetables is greater than the fruit.
This is what will happen:
At the beginning, the taste of this combination can collide with our tastes and with our palate, since not everyone is accustomed to the powerful flavors of the beaten green leaves and the taste of chlorophyll.
That the taste is not pleasant for everyone, at least when we start in this detox world, it is very true.
I recommend you start with a proportion of half and half. Half vegetable half fruit to give more sweetness and flavor to your detox smoothie.
Once you get used to your palate you can easily adjust amounts and give prominence to the green leaves instead of the sweet fruit, which is interesting and healthy.
With the shopping cart full of vegetables and fruit let's see what kind of shakes are best for weight loss, since that is one of our purposes this year.
Preparing the shopping list to lose weight with detox shakes
If our goal is to lose weight, we must opt for detox shakes in which the main ingredients are as the name itself indicates detoxifiers and whose mission in our body is that, to clean, purify and help eliminate toxins that are left over.
These ingredients can be within the group of green leafy vegetables, spinach, chard, arugula, kale cabbage, canons ...
Also other vegetables such as carrots, celery, broccoli, beets, squash ...
Within the group of fruits we can opt for bananas that bring a lot of sweetness if they are very ripe, pears, oranges, tangerines, apple, pineapple, grapes, pomegranate, strawberries, blueberries.
And other red fruits such as blackberries or currants, and even lemon ...
To lighten the shakes we will use water, another way to give them lightness could be using milks or vegetable drinks to taste (oatmeal, almonds, cashews, rice or soy, for example), but in this way we are adding to our drink detox ingredients no longer so Detox, as if we want to give a sweet touch to add dates, but as I say, we would be leaving aside the detox side to get into the healthiest sweet tooth and it is not what concerns us today.As you can see, we have a great variety to choose from, which is why the diversity around detox milkshakes or also called green milkshakes.
We can mix and never get bored until we find our favorite flavor, although I warn you that once the tests are so addictive that you can not opt for one.
Even so, I share with you the 7 detox shakes to lose weight that we have promised you and that will be delicious
Do you dare to try them? Surely yes:
Seven detox shakes to lose weight, one for each day of the week:
Next, we leave you the shopping list for this week of daily shakes:
3 generous bunches of spinach leaves
3 generous bunches also of chard leaves

1 bunch arugula
1 celery bouquet
1/2 raw pumpkin
2 bananas
1 carrot
1 sweet apple / yellow / red
1 medium beet
2 pears
1/2 pineapple
1 bowl of red fruits varied to taste
1 lemon
2 oranges
Optional, to complement our drinks:
ginger powder ,ground pepper ,turmeric powder
To start in this world we are going to give prominence to the pumpkin, a sweet ingredient that will help us to enter the world of detox smoothies without too much difficulty.
We need:
1 piece of raw pumpkin (the size of a fist)
1 piece of celery (the size of the fingertip)
1 whole banana
1 glass of water
1 ginger powder tip (optional)
We beat all the ingredients with our blender and ready, if the consistency is not pleasant you can add more water to taste.
Day 2. Tuesday: Green slimming smoothie
The second day we will begin to give prominence to the greens who, as we have said before, must be the main protagonists of the detox shakes if our mission is to lose weight.

We need:
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
1 raw carrot
1 yellow or red apple (not acidic)
1 glass of water (or more to taste to achieve the desired consistency)
The same procedure as the previous day, beat and go.
Day 3. Wednesday: Beet detox smoothie
An ingredient that in addition to delicious in our detox shakes is very colorful is beet.
The taste of raw beets is powerful and earthy so I recommend you try it with some fruit that brings us that sweet touch at the beginning so that it does not throw us back.
We need:
1 medium-sized raw beet
2 ripe pears

1 glass of water
We beat and taste.
We should not be scared if our bowel movements after taking this type of beet smoothies as the main ingredient turn a deep purple color.
It is due to beet pigmentation and we should not be alerted for it.
Day 4. Thursday: Green smoothie if we like chard
Chard, of which we will use only the leaves, are great for making a detox milkshake.
We will need:
3 handfuls of chard (as you can see we are increasing the amount of vegetables / green leaf every day)
1 piece of celery (about ten centimeters)
2 oranges
1 glass of water
And bat beating! It is a simply delicious combination.
Day 5. Friday: Combined green leaves
In this case and for being the last day before the weekend we will also make a combination of different green leaves, let's see.

1 handful spinach leaves
1 handful of arugula leaves
1 banana
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, optional (powerful natural anti-inflammatory)
1 tip of ground pepper, optional (which increases the benefits of turmeric)
1 glass of water
Beat until you achieve the desired texture, remember that you can vary the amount of water to taste.
Day 6. Saturday: To the rich pineapple
Pineapple is the diuretic fruit, an unconditional friend of our detox shakes and a good ally for weight loss.
We need:
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
1 handful of arugula leaves
1/4 peeled pineapple
1 glass of water
Do not be fooled by the sight, even being green smoothies are a delight full of flavor.
Day 7. Sunday: A detox milkshake to dominate them all
To finish our list of smoothies detox to lose weight and close the week we go with the jewel in the crown.
A nutrient-filled drink that will help us feel better in all aspects.
So aim well.
We need:
1 handful of spinach
1 handful of kale leaves
1 generous piece of celery about 10 centimeters (celery leaves are also excellent for use in our shakes, so do not throw them away and introduce them in your mixes)
1 bowl of red fruits to taste (currants, blueberries, raspberries ... you can also mix them)
1 splash of lemon juice
1 glass of water
We beat and savor this delight full of minerals.
Practical recommendations for drinking detox shakes
As a recommendation it is ideal to drink your detox shakes while being aware of what we do.
That is, chewing them and not swallowing as is, to thereby favor the process of digestion and that it begins in our mouth, slowly.
If you do not get all the smoothie at once, you can take it all morning in small sips. You can even leave them prepared the night before so as not to waste time in the morning, it will always be better not to take them, and although there is loss of nutrients this is very low keeping it in the fridge.
The shakes are not intended to replace meals although they are a perfect complement at breakfast time or mid-morning.
The rest of our meals should be balanced and moderate if what we want is to lose weight, for the simple fact of drinking the detox shake you will not lose weight if you do not take other measures based on your diet and physical activity. This is just a complement, another addition to your detoxification process.
The magic as you know does not exist, there is no trick or miracle that is worth, the only efficient thing for weight loss is to consume fewer calories than are spent and / or exercise to burn them.
It will not help us to drink a detox shake to lose weight if we continue to eat badly and remain sedentary for the rest of the year.
Always watch the ingredients of the shakes they sell as detox, many are loaded to the top with sugar and are a pointless and a way to deceive the consumer.
It is best to visit the market and fill your shopping basket with vegetables and fruit to make your own smoothies at home, it is clear that the intake of vegetables and fruit is beneficial for our body and we must make it a daily routine, but remember that alone will not work the miracle of subtracting pounds from more of our bodies.
First of all, if you are serious about losing weight and dieting, always consult an expert weight loss nutritionist who makes a nutritional plan tailored to your needs.
Health is the most important.
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